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Diesel Technology  

The Diesel Technology program offered at Wyotech is designed to provide students with the specialized knowledge and mechanical skills necessary to troubleshoot, maintain, and repair today’s modern diesel engines and power systems. Students will have the opportunity to get their hands dirty working on diesel engines and heavy machinery manufactured by industry giants like Cummins, Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, John Deere, and more.  

In the classroom, students receive in-depth lectures on diesel engine theory and design, principles of operation, power train principles, shop setup theory, and more. Through lively discussions, detailed textbooks, class projects, and written assignments, students develop critical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving skills, while deepening their understanding of technical mathematics and writing. Topics of study include gear ratios, U.S. Standard and Metric measuring systems.

Students in the Diesel Technology A.A.S. Applied Service Management Program will also learn how to write a successful business plan, locating investors, service writing, job costing, accounting, budgeting, financial management, record keeping, financial management, pricing and marketing, effective shop management, OSHA standards, and more.

In the state-of-the-art lab, students observe live demonstrations and gain practical hands-on training in engine trouble diagnosis and engine analyses, carefully guided by their instructors as they learn how to troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair diesel engines, engine management systems, brakes, Rockwell anti-lock brake systems, Eaton anti-lock brake systems, air systems, charging systems, starting systems, fan clutches, front-ends, chassis, power trains, drive train systems, Detroit Diesel electronic systems, Cummins electronic systems, Peterbilt systems, Kenworth systems, and more. 

Using technical manuals, hand tools, pneumatic wrenches, sophisticated diagnostic equipment, precision measuring devices, wiring schematics, and electronic multi-meters, students acquire valuable hands-on experience in diesel engine overhaul and tune-up, as they disassemble, inspect, diagnose, repair, and reassemble various diesel engines from Cummins, Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, John Deere, and more.

Each student will strengthen their mechanical, analytical, and technical skills throughout the hands-on training portion of the program. Students will also practice shop safety and effective time management as they complete each task assigned to them by their instructors in a thorough manner with accuracy and precision. Work ethics, professionalism, and maintaining a positive workplace attitude will also be stressed throughout the Diesel Technology program at WyoTech. 

The Diesel Technology A.A.S with Applied Service Management Program

The Diesel Technology A.A.S with Applied Service Management program consists of the following areas of study:

  • Business Principles
  • Shop Management
  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Computers and Business Applications
  • Communications
  • Shop Setup Theory
  • Record Keeping
  • OHSA Standards
  • Service Writing
  • Job Costing
  • Pricing & Marketing
  • Business Plans
  • Budgeting
  • Locating Investors

To be eligible to graduate, students are required to complete every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

The Advanced Diesel A.A.S. Program

The Advanced Diesel A.A.S. program focuses on the following topics of study:

  • Model Identification
  • Warranties
  • Windshield Removal
  • Windshield Replacement
  • Kenworth Systems
  • Peterbilt Systems
  • Air systems
  • Hood Adjustments
  • Door Adjustments
  • Starting Systems
  • Charging Systems
  • Fan Clutch
  • Front-Ends
  • Brakes
  • Rockwell ABS
  • Eaton ABS
  • Federal Brake Inspection
  • Detroit Electronics
  • Cummins Electronics

Students are required to finish each class and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Diesel-Auto Vehicle Technology A.A.S. Program

The Diesel-Auto Vehicle Technology A.A.S.  program is centered around the following areas of study:

  • Power Trains
  • Fluid Power
  • Electrical Systems
  • Engines
  • Basic Engine Management System
  • Engine Management Systems
  • Engine Accessories
  • Driveability Diagnostics
  • Chassis
  • Drivetrain Systems

To be eligible for graduation, students must complete each class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

The Diesel Technology A.A.S. with Light-Duty Diesel Concentration

The Light-Duty Diesel program focuses on the following industry-specific topics:

  • Duramax
  • Cummins Engines
  • Power Stroke Engines
  • Engine Management Systems
  • Dynamometer Usage
  • Power Plants
  • Electrical
  • Add-On Hydraulics Service
  • Transmission Service
  • Bed-Swap Modification
  • Climate Control

In order to graduate, students are required to complete every class and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

The Diesel Technology D.A.T.E. for Mack and Volvo Trucks Program

The Diesel technology D.A.T.E. for Mack and Volvo Trucks program focuses on the following areas of study:

  • Engine Management Systems & Accessories
  • Fluid, Power & Electrical Systems
  • Engines
  • Power Trains
  • DATE for Mack Trucks and Volvo Trucks I
  • DATE for Mack Trucks and Volvo Trucks II

Students are required to complete every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Diesel Technology A.A.S. with High Performance Powertrains Concentration

The High Performance Powertrains program focuses on the following career-relevant topics:

  • Engine Block Design
  • Rotating Assemblies
  • Reciprocating Assemblies
  • Performance Camshaft
  • Valvetrain Variations
  • Fuel Injection Management Systems
  • Ignition Control Systems
  • Systems Upgrades
  • Electronic Engine Management System
  • Computer Reprogramming for Outcome Parameters
  • Computer Calibration for Outcome Parameters
  • Modifications for Improved Performance
  • Power Train Tuning for Improved Performance
  • Chassis Dynamometer Verification of Performance Outcomes

Students are required to complete every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Diesel Technology A.A.S. with Motorsports Chassis Fabrication Concentration

In addition to the Diesel Technology core curriculum, the Motorsports Chassis Fabrication program focuses on the following areas of study:

  • Study of metal types and configurations.
  • Measuring.
  • Pattern and outline development.
  • Mechanical drawing reading and development.
  • Attachment methods.
  • Metal finishing.
  • Cutting.
  • MIG and TIG welding.
  • Frame design and modifications.
  • Boxing.
  • Tubular cross-members.
  • C-notching
  • Pro-street frame setup.
  • Roll cage construction.
  • Complete tube chassis fabrication.

Students are required to complete every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Diesel Technology A.A.S. with Street Rod and Custom Fabrication Concentration

In addition to the Diesel Technology core curriculum, the Street Rod and Custom Fabrication program centers on the following topics:

  • Custom and specialized sheet metal shaping and fabrication.
  • Application of lead.
  • M.I.G., T.I.G. and Oxy-Acetylene welding.
  • Chop Tops.
  • Carson style tops.
  • Suicide Doors.
  • Body Construction.
  • Firewalls.
  • Floorboards.
  • Transmission Tunnels.
  • Custom paint techniques.
  • Special Effects.
  • Airbrushing.
  • Pin striping.

Students are required to complete every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

Occupational Outlook 

Graduates of the various specialized Diesel Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree programs can rest assured that they have the necessary comprehensive knowledge, specialized skills, and job-specific training to secure an entry-level position in the diesel and heavy equipment repair industry.

Career opportunities include heavy equipment maintenance, locomotive maintenance, over-the-road truck maintenance, fleet maintenance, dealership service, parts specialist, and service specialist. some graduates may even choose to start their own service and repair business.

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of Wyoming was $52,520 yearly and $25.25 hourly, 16% higher than the national average.

The Two-Year Associate in Applied Science Degree

Wyotech offers eight separate Associate in Applied Science Degrees in Diesel Technology, each with a different specialization. The first Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Applied Service Management. The second Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Advanced Diesel. The third Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Auto-Diesel Vehicle Technology. The fourth Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Light-Duty Diesel. The fifth Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology has a D.A.T.E. for Mack & Volvo Trucks specialization. The sixth Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in High Performance Power Trains. The seventh Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Motorsports Chassis Fabrication. The eight Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology specializes in Street Rod & Custom Fabrication. All eight programs are Pell Grant eligible. 

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