Amarillo College

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Diesel Technology 

The Diesel Technology program at Amarillo College is designed to provide individuals who are interested in career training in the diesel technician job field, but lack the time and resources required by commercial schools. Students enrolled in the program will obtain the fundamental knowledge and specialized skills necessary for entry-level employment in the diesel equipment repair field, inspecting, maintaining, and repairing diesel powered vehicles and heavy equipment.

Students receive classroom instruction, including lectures, discussions, and assignments about diesel theory and it applications as it pertains to real-world job experience in the diesel technology career field. Students will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills as well as a basic understanding of microcomputers for diesel technicians.

In the laboratory, students receive carefully guided instruction as they learn, hands-on, how to troubleshoot, service, and repair diesel engines, power trains, chassis, suspension systems, steering systems, diesel fuel systems, electrical systems, diesel electronic systems, electrical circuits and instruments, air brake systems, and mobile heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Proper preventive maintenance and inspection procedures will also be taught.

By disassembling, inspecting, diagnosing, repairing, and reassembling various diesel engines and their complex component sub-systems using computerized diagnostic equipment, circuit diagrams, shop manuals, hand tools, and power tools, students learn the detailed process of diesel engine overhaul and tune-up. 

Students also learn how to manage their time wisely and work together as a team, as they work independently and in groups to complete every task assigned to them by their instructors in a proficient and timely manner. Shop safety, ethics, and professionalism are also stressed throughout the Diesel Technology program offered at Amarillo College. 

The Basic Mechanics Certificate Curriculum

The curriculum of the Diesel Technology Basic Mechanics Certificate program consists of the following classes:

  • Basic Electrical Theory
  • Technical Communication
  • Introduction to Industrial Maintenance
  • Machine Shop Mathematics
  • Introduction to Automotive Technology
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Diesel Engine I
  • Advanced Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Diesel Engine Testing & Repair II

In order to graduate, students are required to complete each course and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade. Students are required to purchase their own set of tools.

The Advanced Mechanics Certificate Curriculum

The curriculum of the Diesel Technology Advanced Mechanics Certificate program consists of the following classes:

  • Basic Electrical Theory
  • Technical Communication
  • Introduction to Industrial Maintenance
  • Machine Shop Mathematics
  • Introduction to Automotive Technology
  • Power Train I
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Power Train II
  • Diesel Engine I
  • Advanced Brake Systems
  • Advanced Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Diesel Engine Testing & Repair II
  • Electronic Controls

Students are required to finish each class and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

Student Requirements

Students enrolled in the Diesel Technology program must:

  1. Purchase a complete set of tools.
  2. Purchase and wear a uniform to each and every class.
  3. Purchase and wear a pair of standard safety glasses.

The instructors will provide each student with more information about these requirements on the first day of class.

Occupational Outlook

Students who finish the Diesel Technology program at Amarillo College will be equipped with the skills, education, and training needed to gain entry-level employment as a qualified diesel technician in the diesel powered vehicle and heavy equipment repair industry. Graduates can expect to secure an entry-level position at diesel truck dealerships, heavy equipment dealerships, fleet shops, and independent service garages. 

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of Texas was $43,720 yearly and $21.02 hourly, just 3% lower than the national average.

The Basic Mechanics Certificate and Advanced Mechanics Certificate

Amarillo College offers a 16-month Advanced Mechanics Certificate in Diesel Technology, as well as a 9-month Basic Mechanics Certificate in Diesel Technology. Both programs are Pell Grant eligible. 

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