Rosedale Technical Institute

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  • ASE Certified Instructors
  • Nationally Recognized Accreditation
  • Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify

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Diesel Technology  

The Diesel Technology program at the Rosedale Technical Institute provides students with practical hands-on training in the truck and heavy equipment service and repair field. Students are taught, guided, and assessed by instructors who have been certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). The comprehensive curriculum of the Diesel technology program ensures that students learn all aspects of diesel truck and heavy equipment repair, including hydraulics, transmissions, refrigeration systems, engine diagnostics, and more. Students enrolled in the Diesel Technology program at the Rosedale Technical Institute are also trained for the Pennsylvania State Inspection License, are given preparation for the ASE Certification exams, and are given the opportunity to obtain their Class A commercial driver’s license (CDL).

In the classroom, students receive in-depth lectures on diesel theory and learn all aspects of the diesel engine, including the construction, function, and principles of operation of the entire diesel engine system. Class discussions, written assignments, class projects, and detailed textbooks and handouts, all work in synergy to aid students in developing important thinking, reasoning, and analytical skills. Students also strengthen their English comprehension and mathematical computation, while developing career-specific computer skills. Classroom topics include gear ratios, U.S. Standard and Metric measuring systems, effective shop management, writing service reports, customer service protocol, and more.

In the newly renovated Ben Wilke Training Center’s 45,000 square foot shop lies the same equipment found in a professional garage or commercial freight company. Here, students gain practical hands-on experience troubleshooting, diagnosing, and repairing diesel engines, fuel systems, brakes, electrical systems, diesel electronic systems, suspension and steering systems, drive trains, power trains, hydraulic systems, and air conditioning and heating systems. Students also acquire valuable hands-on experience in preventive maintenance and inspection techniques. 

By using technical manuals, hand tools, power tools, computerized diagnostic machines, gauges, and wiring diagrams, to disassemble, inspect, diagnose, repair, and reassemble diesel engines and their integrated system components, students learn, hands-on, how to properly perform diesel engine rebuilds and tune-ups on Cummins, Caterpillar, and Detroit Diesel engines.

Each student will strengthen their mechanical aptitude and develop important analytical, technical, and problem solving skills. Students will also be expected to practice shop safety and effective time management as they complete each task assigned to them by their instructors with proficiency and speed. Work ethics, professionalism, and maintaining a positive workplace attitude will also be stressed throughout the Diesel Technology program at the Rosedale Technical Institute. 

Students Will Get Their Hands On…

Students enrolled in the Diesel Technology program at the Rosedale Technical Institute will get their hands on:

  • A 4-Post 35,000 lb. Heavy Truck Lift
  • Multiple 15,000 lb. Truck Lifts (for Light to Medium Duty Vehicles)
  • Two International Eagle Semi Tractor Trucks
  • Various Engines from Cummins, Detroit Diesel, and Caterpillar
  • A Variety of Heavy Truck Scan Tools
  • Multiple Forklifts and a Backhoe

As part of their diesel training, students will also participate in the production of Bio-Diesel fuel.

Job Outlook

Students who successfully complete the Diesel Technology program at the Rosedale Technical Institute can be confident that they possess the education and training necessary to secure an entry-level position as a qualified diesel mechanic in the truck and heavy equipment service and repair industry. Occupational opportunities include, but are not limited to, the truck transportation industry, construction industry, mining industry, agricultural industry, oil and natural gas exploration and extraction industry, and working at independent repair shops.

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of Pennsylvania was $42,770 yearly and $20.56 hourly, just 6% lower than the national average.

The Associate in Specialized Technology Degree and Diesel Technology Diploma

The Rosedale Technical Institute offers a two-year Associate in Specialized Technology Degree in Diesel Technology. The Rosedale Technical Institute also offers a one-year Diesel Technology Diploma. Both programs are Pell Grant eligible. 

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