Wilson Community College

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Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology  

The Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology program at Wilson Community College is designed to provide students with the knowledge and training necessary to service and repair light duty diesel trucks and equipment. 

Students receive classroom instruction on transportation systems theory, design parameters, environmental regulations, product finish, and workplace safety. 

On the shop floor, students get their hands dirty as they learn how to inspect, troubleshoot, and repair light duty diesel engines, electrical systems, light duty diesel fuel systems, air, exhaust, and emission systems, diesel/electric drive systems, and climate control systems. 

Students learn, first-hand, about the diesel engine and its integrated system components by disassembling, inspecting, diagnosing, repairing, and reassembling, light duty diesel engines with computerized diagnostic equipment, gauges, technical manuals, wiring schematics, and hand tools.

Each student will be introduced to the diverse technologies and cutting-edge techniques associated with this challenging and dynamic career field. Effective interpersonal communication and time management, as well as shop safety and teamwork, are stressed throughout the year-long program. Students are encouraged to work both independently and in groups in order to complete every assignment given to them by their instructors with proficiency and speed.

The Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology Diploma

The curriculum of the Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology program consists of the following career-specific classes:

  • Intro to Light Duty Diesel
  • Intro to Transportation Tech
  • Basic Transportation Electricity
  • Light Duty Diesel Fuel Systems
  • Air, Exhaust, & Emissions
  • Light Duty Diesel Test & Diagnostics
  • Diesel/Electric Drive
  • Transportation Climate Control

Students are also required to take College Student Success, Writing & Inquiry, Conceptual Physics, and Conceptual Physics Lab, in order to meet the 38 credit requirements of the Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology Diploma program. In order to graduate, each student must successfully complete every class and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

Occupational Outlook

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of North Carolina was $42,510 yearly and $20.44 hourly, just 5% lower than the national average.

Students who successfully complete the Diesel Technology program at Wilson Community College will be well-prepared to take the professional licensure exams and become qualified light duty diesel mechanics that can secure entry-level employment in the transportation industry.

The One-Year Diploma

Wilson Community College offers a one-year Diploma in Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology. This program is Pell Grant eligible. 

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