College of Southern Nevada

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Diesel/Heavy Equipment 

Housed in a 34,000 square foot state-of-the-art building, the Diesel/Heavy Equipment program at the College of Southern Nevada teaches students all aspects of diesel and heavy equipment service and repair.

Students learn diesel engine theory in the classroom and obtain valuable hands-on training, using the latest diagnostic equipment and current industry techniques, as they test, service, and repair diesel electrical systems, electronic systems, diesel brake systems, steering and suspension systems, heating and air conditioning drive trains, axles, and transport refrigeration systems.

Each student will learn how to properly test, diagnose, and repair diesel electronic and mechanical engines as they perform tune-ups and overhauls. Students also learn and develop skills in clutch, transmission, and drive axle repair as well as diesel mechanic welding and preventive maintenance.

Students strengthen their problem-solving, technical math, and mechanical skills as they complete each and every task assigned to them by their instructors with proficiency and speed. Students also learn effective communication and leaderships skills while ensuring that shop safety, ethics, and a positive workplace attitude are maintained throughout the program. 

The Diesel/Heavy Equipment Master Technician Program

The Diesel/Heavy Equipment Master Technician A.A.S. Degree program is comprised of the following classes:

  • Transport Refrigeration
  • Diesel Equipment Service
  • Diesel/Heavy Equipment
  • Advanced Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electronics
  • Diesel Engine Repair I
  • Diesel Engine Repair II
  • Diesel Brake Systems
  • Steering, Suspension and Directional Controls
  • Diesel/Heavy Equipment Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Diesel/Heavy Equipment Drive Train and Axles
  • Internship Co-Op I
  • Internship Co-Op II
  • Internship Co-Op III
  • Fluid Power (Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Instrumentation)
  • Special Topics in Welding Technology

Students are also required to take English, Mathematics, Communications, Human Relations, Science, Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences, and U.S./Nevada Constitutions, in order to fulfill the 77 credit requirements of the Associate of Applied Science Degree program. Students must complete every class and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Diesel/Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician Program

The Diesel/Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician Certificate of Achievement program includes the following courses:

  • Diesel Equipment Service
  • Diesel/Heavy Equipment Electrical Systems
  • Diesel Engine Repair I
  • Diesel/Heavy Equipment
  • Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Internship Co-Op I
  • Internship Co-Op II
  • Fluid Power (Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Instrumentation)
  • Special Topics in Welding Technology

Students must also take Communications in order to fulfill the 31 credit hour requirements of the Certificate of Achievement program. In order to graduate, students are required to complete every course and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

Occupational Outlook

Graduates of the Diesel/Heavy Equipment program at the College of Southern Nevada will be well-equipped with the knowledge, skills, and training needed to secure employment as an entry-level heavy truck mechanic at fleet companies, truck dealerships, and independent truck repair shops.

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for diesel mechanics working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics employed in the state of Nevada was $53,960 yearly and $25.94 hourly.

The Associate of Applied Science Degree and Certificate of Achievement

The College of Southern Nevada offers a two-year Associate of Applied Science Degree in Diesel/Heavy Equipment with a Master Technician concentration. The College of Southern Nevada also offers an 18-month Diesel/Heavy Equipment Certificate of Achievement with a Maintenance Technician concentration. Both programs are Pell Grant eligible.

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