Shasta College

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Diesel Technology  

In today’s fast-paced ever-changing industrial world, qualified diesel mechanics are in high demand. Diesel mechanics work on various types of equipment including automobiles, diesel trucks, heavy duty diesel trucks, diesel locomotives, diesel-powered machinery, and even diesel-propelled boats. The Diesel Technology program at Shasta College provides students with the training and skills needed to secure and hold an entry-level position in the heavy duty diesel industry. Students will learn the following:

  • Diesel Fuel Systems
  • Tune-up Procedures
  • Rebuilding Diesel Engines         
  • Heavy Duty Power Train
  • Heavy Duty Equipment
  • Heavy Duty Chassis
  • Air Brakes
  • Fuel Systems
  • Hydraulics
  • Vehicle Electric Systems Repair

Students will learn diesel theory in the classroom and gain real-world hands-on training, both indoors and outdoors, that is focused on developing the student’s skills in the areas of diesel engines, electrical repair, and power training. Other areas of skill set training include operating diagnostic equipment, repairing and rebuilding brake systems, transmission repairs, repairing hydraulic systems, and monitoring computer-controlled systems. Students will also be required to provide their own set of tools.

The Diesel Technology A.A.S. Degree Curriculum

The Diesel Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree program consists of the following courses:

  • Hydraulics
  • Diesel Engine Electronic Control 
  • Heavy Duty Power Train
  • Diesel Performance Analysis  
  • Advanced Hydraulics 
  • Worksite Learning for Diesel Technology 
  • Diesel Technology Field Training 
  • Diesel Engines 
  • Heavy Duty Braking Systems   
  • Beginning Welding
  • Advanced Welding

Students are also required to take College Composition,Essential Math, Career Planning for Industrial Technology, and five General Education Electives in order to meet the 60 credit requirements of the Associate in Applied Science Degree program. In order to graduate, students must finish each course and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade.

The Diesel Technology Undergraduate Certificate

The Diesel Technology Undergraduate Certificate program consists of the following classes:

  • Hydraulics
  • Heavy Duty Power Train
  • Diesel Performance Analysis
  • Vehicle Electrical Systems
  • Diesel Technology Field Training
  • Diesel Engines
  • Heavy Duty Braking Systems
  • Beginning Welding
  • Advanced Welding

Students are also required to take Reading and Writing II, Technical Applications of Mathematics, Career Planning for Industrial Technology, and one General Education Elective in order to meet the 45.5 credit requirements of the Undergraduate Certificate program. Students must complete each class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

From College to Career

Graduates of the Diesel Technology program at Shasta College will be given the opportunity to receive apprenticeship credit based on their merit and the local union regulations, most likely receiving credit for practical fulfillment of the apprenticeship requirements. Graduates can expect to secure entry-level employment in the commercial trucking industry, construction industry, mining industry, logging industry, rail shipping industry, oceanic freight shipping industry, on farms, ranches, and at independent repair shops, servicing, repairing, and maintaining today’s diesel-powered vehicles and heavy equipment.

As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of California was $50,570 yearly and $24.31 hourly, 12% higher than the national average.

The Associate in Applied Science Degree and Undergraduate Certificate

Shasta College offers a two-year Associate in Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology with an emphasis in Heavy Duty Diesel Technician. Shasta College also offers an 18-month Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology. Both programs are Pell Grant eligible. Certain students may qualify for the BOG Fee Waiver to help pay for their education.

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