H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College

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Diesel Mechanics  

The Diesel Mechanics program at H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College provides training, knowledge and skills for students who desire to learn how to troubleshoot and repair diesel trucks, heavy equipment, and farm related equipment. 

Specialized classroom and hands-on training provide each student with the opportunity to learn all phases of repair work on diesel-powered equipment, such as diagnosing malfunctions, servicing and repairing diesel equipment, and repairing fuel injection systems. Students will also learn how to properly use technical manuals and tools to perform each job. Proper techniques for machine testing will also be discussed.

Students who complete the Diesel Mechanics program at H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College will be equipped with the basic knowledge, skills, and work attitude necessary to secure and hold an entry-level job as a diesel mechanic.

Diesel Mechanics  

The Diesel Mechanics program at H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College provides training, knowledge and skills for students who desire to learn how to troubleshoot and repair diesel trucks, heavy equipment, and farm related equipment. 

Specialized classroom and hands-on training provide each student with the opportunity to learn all phases of repair work on diesel-powered equipment, such as diagnosing malfunctions, servicing and repairing diesel equipment, and repairing fuel injection systems. Students will also learn how to properly use technical manuals and tools to perform each job. Proper techniques for machine testing will also be discussed.

Students who complete the Diesel Mechanics program at H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College will be equipped with the basic knowledge, skills, and work attitude necessary to secure and hold an entry-level job as a diesel mechanic.

The Diesel Mechanics Undergraduate Certificate Program

The Diesel Mechanics Undergraduate Certificate program is made up of the following courses:

First Semester

  • Basic Engines
  • Diesel and Gas Tune-Up
  • Advanced Engines 
  • Diesel Engine Lab 
  • Introductory Mathematics I 
  • Orientation to College

Second Semester

  • Heavy Vehicle Brakes 
  • Pneumatics and Hydraulics 
  • Heavy Vehicle Drive Trains 
  • Power Train Lab 
  • Vocational Technical English 

Third Semester

  • Electrical / Electronic Fundamentals 
  • Electrical Schematics and Symbols 
  • Special Topics in Electrical 
  • Special Projects in Diesel Mechanics 
  • Introductory Computer Skills 

Fourth Semester

  • Bearings and Lubricants 
  • Gas Engine Lab 
  • Engine Fundamentals
  • Fuel and Ignition Systems 
  • Oral Communication Skills

Students are required to finish every class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.

The Two-Year and Specialized Undergraduate Certificates

H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College offers a two-year Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Mechanics. H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College also offers Undergraduate Certificates in specialized areas of diesel mechanics. Only the two-year certificate program is Pell Grant eligible.

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