Francis Tuttle Technology Center
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Diesel Technology
The Diesel Technology program at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center prepares students to troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair the top diesel and heavy equipment in use by today’s oil exploration and extraction companies, marine diesel companies, trucking companies, mining companies, and the national gas industry.
In the classroom, instructors lecture about the fundamentals of the diesel engine and help students develop effective verbal and written communication skills, as well as critical thinking and reasoning skills, through intense studies.
In the laboratory, students acquire valuable hands-on training, as they learn how to properly inspect, diagnose, and repair diesel engines manufactured by industry giants like Caterpillar, Cummins, Freightliner, International, and Volvo, thanks to a growing partnership with the Francis Tuttle Technology Center.
Students also get their hands dirty as they inspect and repair diesel engine systems, medium/heavy truck brakes, diesel electrical systems, diesel electronic systems, steering and suspension systems, medium/heavy diesel truck drive trains, and medium/heavy diesel truck heating and air conditioning systems. Students also have the option of obtaining their Class B commercial driver’s license (CDL) in the 1120 hour Diesel Service Technician (Class B) training program.
Students learn how to inspect, diagnose, and repair the complicated component systems integrated into today’s diesel engines, using sophisticated diagnostic machines, technical manuals, gauges, and hand tools, as they disassemble, inspect, test, repair, and reassemble various diesel engines and heavy equipment systems. Students are evaluated in their hands-on performance by the instructor.
The Diesel Technology program at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center is very flexible. Individuals can enter the program at any time and plan a training schedule that coincides with their personal work schedule. The diesel Technology program at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center is for adults only. Any student applying for the program must not be currently enrolled in high school.
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician Certificate with Class B CDL
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician Certificate with Class B CDL program is centered around the following career-specific classes:
- Introduction & Orientation to Diesel Technician
- Preventive Maintenance Inspection
- Preventative Maintenance Service
- Diesel Engine Systems
- Diesel Engine Specialization
- Medium/Heavy Truck Brakes
- Diesel Electricity Introduction
- Diesel Electricity Fundamentals
- Diesel Electricity Advanced
- Steering and Suspension
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Drive Train
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Heating & Air
- Diesel Truck Heating & Air Advanced
- Workforce Staging
- CDL Written Test Preparation
- CDL Driving Skills
In order to graduate, students are required to complete each class and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician Certificate
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician Certificate program consists of the following industry-relevant courses:
- Introduction & Orientation to Diesel Technician
- Preventive Maintenance Inspection
- Preventative Maintenance Service
- Diesel Engine Systems
- Diesel Engine Specialization
- Medium/Heavy Truck Brakes
- Diesel Electricity Introduction
- Diesel Electricity Fundamentals
- Diesel Electricity Advanced
- Steering and Suspension
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Drive Train
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Heating & Air
- Diesel Truck Heating & Air Advanced
- Workforce Staging
In order to graduate, students are required to complete every course and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade.
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Service and Light Repair Tech Certificate
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Service and Light Repair Tech Certificate program is comprised of the following career-focused classes:
- Introduction & Orientation to Diesel Technician
- Preventive Maintenance Inspection
- Preventative Maintenance Service
- Diesel Engine Systems
- Medium/Heavy Truck Brakes
- Diesel Electricity Introduction
- Diesel Electricity Fundamentals
- Diesel Electricity Advanced
- Steering and Suspension
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Heating & Air
- Diesel Truck Heating & Air Advanced
- Workforce Staging
Students are required to complete each class and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Engine Technician Certificate
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Engine Technician Certificate program is made up of the following industry-based courses:
- Introduction & Orientation to Diesel Technician
- Diesel Engine Systems
- Diesel Engine Specialization
- Diesel Electricity Introduction
- Diesel Electricity Fundamentals
- Diesel Electricity Advanced
- Workforce Staging
Students must finish each course and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade, in order to graduate.
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Preventative Maintenance Technician Certificate
The Medium/Heavy Diesel Preventative Maintenance Technician program is made up of the following career-relevant classes:
- Introduction & Orientation to Diesel Technician
- Preventive Maintenance Inspection
- Preventative Maintenance Service
- Diesel Electricity Introduction
- Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Heating & Air
- Workforce Staging
In order to graduate, students must finish each class and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, the equivalent of a “C” grade.
Occupational Characteristics
Individuals planning to pursue a career in the diesel technology field should possess the following traits:
- The ability to communicate in a professional and courteous manner.
- The ability to establish rapport with upper management and employees at every level.
- The ability to manage projects, complete tasks, and meet deadlines.
- Effective problem solving skills.
- Effective time management skills.
- Mechanical, analytical, and technical aptitude.
- A positive workplace attitude.
- Safety awareness.
From Graduation to Occupation
Graduates of the Diesel Technology program at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center will be equipped with the skills, education, and training needed to gain employment as a qualified diesel mechanic in the diesel truck and heavy equipment repair industry. Graduates can expect to secure an entry-level position at diesel repair fleet service centers, independent repair shops, retail diesel parts shops, truck and heavy equipment dealerships, oil exploration and extraction companies, heavy construction companies, mining companies, and on farms and ranches.
As the diesel industry continues to grow rapidly, job opportunities for qualified diesel mechanics is expected to increase 11% by the year 2020, as fast as average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The mean annual wage for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists working in the United States in 2014 was $45,160, while the mean salary for bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists employed in the state of Oklahoma was $40,550 yearly and $19.49 hourly, just 11% lower than the national average.
The Undergraduate Certificate
The Francis Tuttle Technology Center offers five separate Undergraduate Certificate programs in Diesel Technology with five different concentrations.
The first program is an Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology with a Medium/Heavy Diesel Preventive Maintenance Technician concentration.
The second program is an Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology with a Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Engine Technician concentration.
The third program is an Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology with a Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Service & Light Repair Technician concentration.
The fourth program is an Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology with a Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician concentration.
The fifth and final program is an Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Technology with a Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician (Class B CDL) concentration. The Medium/Heavy Diesel Truck Heavy Line Technician program, the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Service & Light Repair Technician program, and the Medium/Heavy Diesel Service Technician (Class B CDL) program are all Pell Grant eligible.